Best Savings Accounts
Following table shows the best savings accounts in the United States. Popular Direct offers the best savings account with 1.26% APY for balances over $5,000. The account has a $4 monthly maintenance fee if the daily balance below $500. Popular Direct is an online banking division of Banco Popular North America (BPNA), the nation’s premier community bank headquartered in New York with branches in California, Florida, New Jersey, Illinois and Texas. All deposits are insured by FDIC.
Rank | Bank | Account | APY | Monthly Fees | Min Opening Deposit |
1 | Popular Direct | Popular Direct Savings | 1.26% | $4 | $5,000 |
2 | Northpointe Bank (1) | Ultimate Savings Promo | 1.12% | n/a | $10,000 |
3 | Incredible Bank | Incredible Savings | 1.11% | $15 | $2,500 |
4 | Palladian PrivateBank (2) | Palladian Savings Account | 1.10% | $0 | $1,000 |
5 | Salem Five Direct (3) | eOne Savings - New Money Only | 1.10% | $0 | $100 |
6 | SFGI Direct | SFGI Direct Savings | 1.06% | $0 | $500 |
7 | AloStar Bank of Commerce (4) | High Yield Savings | 1.05% | $0 | $50 |
8 | Synchrony Bank | High Yield Savings | 1.05% | $0 | $0 |
9 | GS Bank (Goldman Sachs Bank USA) | Online Savings | 1.05% | $0 | $0 |
10 | Barclays | Dream Account | 1.05% | $0 | $0 |
11 | Ally Bank | Online Savings | 1.00% | $0 | $0 |
12 | iGObanking | iGOsavings | 1.00% | $0 | $1 |
13 | Radius Bank (5) | Radius High-Yield Savings | 1.00% | $0 | $10 |
14 | UFB Direct (6) | UFB Savings | 1.00% | $0 | $100 |
15 | Discover Bank | Savings Account | 0.95% | $0 | $500 |
16 | FNBO Direct | Online Savings | 0.95% | $0 | $1 |
17 | CIT Bank | High Yield Savings | 1.05% | $0 | $100 |
18 | Bank5 Connect (7) | High-Interest Savings | 0.90% | $0 | $10 |
19 | American Express Bank | High Yield Savings | 0.90% | n/a | $0 |
20 | Chesapeake Bank | Clear Sky savings | 0.90% | $0 | $0 |
21 | Pacific National Bank | Savings Online Special | 0.90% | n/a | $250 |
22 | SmartyPig (8) | SmartyPig Savings | 0.90% | $0 | $0 |
23 | MySavingsDirect | MySavings Account | 0.85% | $0 | $1 |
24 | Colorado Federal Savings Bank | Online Savings | 0.85% | n/a | $2,500 |
25 | Sallie Mae Bank | Upromise GoalSaver Account | 0.85% | $0 | n/a |
26 | Amboy Direct (9) | Personal eSavings | 0.80% | $0 | $100 |
27 | EH National Bank | Personal Savings | 0.79% | $10 | $1,000 |
28 | Capital One 360 | 360 Savings | 0.75% | $0 | $0 |
29 | BankMobile | High Yield Savings | 0.75% | $0 | $0 |
30 | ProvidentNJ Direct (10) | Power Savings | 0.75% | $0 | $50 |
31 | Newtown Savings Bank (11) | NSBiSavings | 0.70% | $25 | $5000 |
32 | TIAA Direct | High Yield Savings | 0.65% | $0 | $100 |
33 | 1st Constitution Bank | 1st Choice Super Savings | 0.65% | $20 | $10,000 |
34 | Bank of the Internet USA (12) | High Yield Savings | 0.61% | $0 | $0 |
35 | First Internet Bank of Indiana | Regular Savings | 0.60% | $2 | $100 |
36 | NewDominion Bank (13) | Pursuit savings | 0.60% | $0 | $0 |
37 | DollarSavingsDirect | Dollar Savings | 0.55% | $0 | $1,000 |
38 | North American Savings Bank | E-Savings | 0.55% | $7.5 | $100 |
39 | EverBank | Basic Savings | 0.51% | $5 | $25 |
40 | Dime Community Bank | DimeDirect Statement Savings | 0.50% | $0 | $100 |
41 | EmigrantDirect (14) | AmericanDream SavingsAccount | 0.50% | $0 | $1 |
Rates are effective as of March 10, 2017.
1 - 1.12% APY on balances of $10,000 - $500,000
2 - The promotional interest rate is fixed at 1.30% for the first 6 months.
3 - 1.10% APY on balances < $500,000
4 - Maximum opening deposit limited to $250,000
5 - 1.00% APY on balances of $2,500 & up
6 - 1.00% APY on balances over $25,000
7 - The minimum balance to earn interest is $100
8 - 0.90% APY on balances over $50,000
SmartyPig is an online piggybank. SmartyPig accounts are offered through Sallie Mae.
9 - 0.80% APY on balances of $3,000 - $100,000
10 - 0.75% APY on balances over $10,000
11 - 0.70% APY on balances over $100,000
12 - America’s oldest and most trusted internet bank
13 - 0.60% APY on balances over $10,000
14 - EmigrantDirect is a division of Emigrant Bank.
Savings Account Rates for Top U.S. Banks
Bank | Account | APY | Min. Opening Deposit | Monthly Fee |
Bank of America | Regular Savings Account | 0,01% | $25 | $5 |
Wells Fargo | Way2Save Savings | 0,01% | $25 | $5 |
Chase | Chase Savings | 0,01% | $25 | $5 |
Citibank | Access Account | 0,01% | $100 | $4.5 |
U.S. Bank | Standard Savings | 0,01% | $25 | $4 |
M&T Bank | Relationship Savings | 0,02% | n/a | $7.5 |
PNC Bank | Standard Savings | 0,01% | $25 | $5 |
Fifth Third Bank | Goal Setter Savings | 0,01% | $50 | $5 |